Tired of Not Getting Results Online?
"Revealed: The #1 Way to Dominate Page 1 of Google For ANY Niche in 14 days or less!”
…Allowing You To Turn Google into Your Own Personal ATM Machine!
Hey Fellow Online Marketer,
Joshua Zamora and Alex Hoskins here.

And I want to first welcome you to this page.
On this page, you’re about to get access to a piece of software that’s going to simplify you being able to rank on the first page of Google by leveraging the MOST powerful ranking strategy of ALL TIME.
If you’re looking to get more FREE traffic, leads and sales than you can handle..and you’re looking to turn Google into your own personal ATM machine, then you’re in the right place.
See, we’ve been dominating the first page of Google for years now for just about any piece of content, niche and keyword we want. Whether it’s a video or niche site.
I’m Talking About Dominating The First Page Of Google Like This...

Getting an unlimited amount of FREE traffic and sales from Google is what we do.
But we’re not just good at getting traffic from Google,
We’re Also Able To Turn Google Into
Big Paydays Like This:

This is just a SMALL portion of the profit we’re able to pull in on a monthly basis. This doesn’t even include the income we make from our niche sites as affiliates.
But you get the point. We know how to profit BIG from Google.
And Today, We’re Going To Show You Exactly
How You Can Do The Same
We’re going to show you how to do this by leveraging one of the most powerful ranking strategies of all time.
A strategy that allows both experienced and newbie search engine marketers to get page 1 rankings, FAST!
This is a strategy that has been used for ranking on the first page of Google by search engine marketers for over a decade. And it’s still being used today on a DAILY basis.
Have you guessed what it is?
PBNs. Or also known as Private Blog Networks.
See, no matter what anyone tells you, leveraging private blog networks is STILL one of the most powerful ways to get yours AND your clients websites and videos to the first page of Google.
All those guys that talk about how much they’re dominating Google, yup, I can almost guarantee they’re using a PBN.
However, Let’s Be Brutally Honest For A Second
Plain and simple. And that’s why, although they’re extremely powerful, most people don’t even bother taking on that headache.
Trust us, we’ve been dealing with PBN’s for years, so we’re speaking from experience.
So what we decided to do was to build an all-in-one tool that puts the ranking power of Private blog networks at your fingertips WITHOUT the traditional headaches of building and managing them manually.
Starting today, you’re going to be able to equip yourself with the SAME exact ranking power that the pros use.
And you’re going to have a MASSIVE advantage over them. You’re going to have access to a tool that automates the ENTIRE process of dominating the first page of Google through the power of PBN Syndication.

But Before We Move Forward, Let’s Get
One BIG Myth Out Of The Way…
You do NOT need a PBN that consists of 100+ sites to be effective… In fact, nowadays, even a 25 site or 10 site PBN is considered “BIG”.
Yup, you heard that right. You’d be surprised how much ranking power you can get from just a small 5 to 10 site PBN.
In fact, most SEO marketers are dominating the first page of Google with these “micro PBNs”.
So don’t think that you need a giant, hundred-site PBN to make this work.

That means that you’ll be able to access our software today
And have a powerful PBN up and running by the end of this week!
It’s literally that easy, but the PRO’s want you to keep thinking that it’s a complicated, unattainable asset so that you continue to avoid using them.
That ends TODAY!
Allow me to introduce you to

PBN Builder is our brand new web-app that puts the power of private blog networks at your fingertips.
It allows you to easily build, manage and automatically post to your PBN’s completely hands free and with ZERO hassle.
It eliminates the complicated, time-wasting process of building and leveraging a PBN to rank on page 1 of Google.
It’ll give you a MASSIVE unfair advantage even over the most experienced search engine marketers.
And We’ve Been Able To Simplify It
Into A Simple 3-Step Process

Step 1
You just simply connect your PBN sites and your money sites. We’ve made this as simple as can be. Even a 5th grader will be able to connect their sites to our app.

Step 2
You Load up your content and tell PBN Builder which of your money sites or videos you want to rank on page 1 of Google.

Step 3
You Set up your posting schedule or have PBN Builder syndicate your links right away.

And Then You Just Sit Back And Watch Your Rankings Soar
By leveraging the power of automatic PBN Syndication. It’s truly THAT simple.
And The Best Part Is That With PBN Builder:
You don’t need any technical skills or previous knowledge. Not only is our software easy to use, but it comes with video tutorials, training manuals AND a full support team.
It Works EXTREMELY Fast – You can put our software to work TODAY and start syndicating your videos or niche sites to your PBN’s on complete AUTOPILOT.
It’s EXTREMELY Easy to Use – This is by far one of the easiest web-apps you have ever used. We have laid it out into 3 simple steps.
Requires VERY little time to manage – Once you get your account created, it only takes minutes to get a campaign up and running and working for you 24/7
It’s a Low Cost way to get ranking FAST – Once you start using our software you are DONE buying expensive software, services or even dozens of “fiverr” gigs.
It can work from ANYWHERE in the world. As long as you have an Internet connection our software will be working for you at all times.
And It Doesn’t Matter If You’re Doing:
- Affiliate marketing
- Local marketing
- Lead Generation
- CPA Marketing
- Video Marketing
- Niche Site Marketing
- Facebook Marketing
- Selling your own products
- eCommerce
If you’d like to get MORE targeted, FREE BUYER traffic, PBN Builder is your solution!
Armed With PBN Builder You’ll Finally Be Able To Rank Your Videos And Niche Sites On Page 1 And Start Getting Targeted Traffic and Sales From Google!
Watch the Powerful Demo Video To See EXACTLY How Simple We’ve made it:

Is the BEST Web-App on the Market
That will Allow you To Automatically Use PBN Sydncation To Rank
ANY Piece of Content on Page 1 of Google!
100% Cloud-Based
PBN Builder is cloud-based which means you can access it from ANY computer and dominate Google from ANYWHERE in the world.

100% Set And Forget
Once you set up your PBN’s you can literally have PBN builder syndicating links for you 24/7/365. Even while you sleep you can be dominating Google for ANY niche you’d like!
Personal AND Client Use
We know that with the power of PBN Syndication comes MASSIVE opportunity. So we’re giving you personal AND client use so you can profit BIG with BOTH!

2-minute PBN Site Setup
We all know how time-consuming it can be to set up a WHOLE new PBN site every-time, right? Yup, it’s VERY time consuming. You have to change the titles, permalinks, add multiple users, change the theme, remove the “default pages” and archives, add a contact page, add an about page, etc etc. Well, PBN Builder does that for you in just 2 minutes by following our 4-step site building wizard.
Manage ANY Size PBN
Whether you’re NEW to PBN Syndication or a veteran, you can use PBN Builder to manage the biggest or smallest of PBN’s. And remember, most search engine marketers today are dominating with small 5-10 site “micro PBN’s”

Easily Group Your PBN’s
We understand that different PBN’s can serve different purposes in your business. Especially if you have clients, so we’ve built a powerful grouping and management system into PBN builder so that managing multiple PBN’s is a breeze.
Easily Match Your Clients To A Grouped PBN
Not only have we built in a powerful grouping system, but we’ve built-in the ability for you create PBN groups for specific clients or campaigns so you can easily deploy links within SECONDS!

Mass PBN Syndication
Not only did we add a powerful grouping feature so you can have separate PBN’s for different niches and or clients, we also added the ability to syndicate to ALL your PBN groups in just ONE click if you’d like to as well.
Complete WYSIWYG PBN Content Editor
We’ve built-in the easiest PBN content editor within PBN Builder so you can set up ALL your content that you’d like syndicated to your PBNs. You’ll be able to post to one PBN site, multiple PBN sites or an ENTIRE PBN group with just ONE piece of content.
Automatic Link Limit Settings
This is yet another powerful automation feature. If you’re charging a particular client a certain amount per month for a certain amount of links, you’ll be able to set up your posting schedule to automatically stop once the monthly link limit has been met for that particular client/campaign.
Automatic Outbound Link Limit Settings
Just as we built the ability to give your client’s/campaigns a certain amount of links per month, we also set an optional security feature, which will allow you to limit the amount of links that are placed on each of your PBN sites. This allows you to ensure your PBN sites stay as strong as possible by limiting the amount of sites they link to on a monthly basis.
Automatic Authority Link Placement
Anyone who’s ever used a PBN will tell you that you always want to ensure you’re also linking to other ‘authority’ sites within your posts so that everything looks natural. Well, we’ve automated that process with PBN Builder and made it a breeze to implement this technique.
Automatic Image and Video Embedding
Ensuring that you also have images and videos posted within your content is another powerful way to fly under the radar while still dominating Google. With PBN Builder your posts will ALWAYS have images and videos posted automatically. You’ll NEVER have to waste time having to manually find relevant videos and images to add to your content.
Powerful Built-In CRM
We understand that as your agency grows and you get more and more clients it becomes harder and harder to keep track of their campaigns. We decided to simplify that process as well by allowing you to add your client’s contact information to each of their campaigns for easy management.
Multiple URL And Keyword Tagging
When it comes to managing a PBN manually, you soon start to lose track of which URL’s you’re building links to and with what anchor text keyword. Well, with PBN Builder we’ve automated this process. You’ll be able to easily assign as many URL’s to as many anchor text keywords as you’d like for EACH of your campaigns/clients.

Powerful Website Info CRM
With this feature, you’ll NEVER have to use an Excel sheet to manage yours and your client’s website logins ever again! Within PBN Builder we’ve built the ability to easily add all the important logins to your sites. And it’s all fully encrypted too, so nothing is EVER compromised.
Detailed PBN Syndication Stats
Want to get a quick glance at how your PBN sites are performing? We’ve built a full reports page that will show you when and where your PBN sites have been posting to. This will allow you to always know what’s going on with your PBN’s in a split second.

And PBN Builder Is MORE Than Just A
Page 1 Ranking Machine
We’ve built it to help you PROFIT BIG from multiple different ways…
Charge per link/ become a link broker
With PBN Builder and all the amazing automation and client management features, you can easily become a link broker and charge per link. This is one of the easiest ways to profit with this AND PBN Builder does ALL the work for you.

Rank your own affiliate sites
This is one of the most popular ways to profit with PBN Builder since PBN syndication is one of the most powerful ways to rank on page 1 FAST! You can easily become a niche-site SUPER affiliate once you have the power to rank on page 1 at will. Leveraging a PBN to build your niche site empire is a no-brainer!
Charge other SEO Agencies to use your PBN
This is very similar to running a link brokerage, but in this scenario you’re going straight to the source of people who need PBN links and understand the power of them. This is like being the person selling shovels instead of the ones digging for gold during the gold rush. And your customer base will be people who understand the power of PBN’s so the sales will be simple.

Rank Your Clients Sites
Having the power of PBN Syndication at your fingertips gives you the confidence to be able to rank on page 1 for all your clients. Whether you currently have an SEO agency or are thinking of starting one, having a PBN in your arsenal is one of the smartest things you can have.
Rank Your eCommerce Stores
Yup, leveraging a PBN to rank your ecommerce stores is a PERFECT fit. Imagine being able to get thousands of FREE visitors to your sites on a daily or monthly basis that convert HIGHER than any other traffic source. THAT is what ranking your stores in Google can deliver for you. And PBN Builder automates that.

And much much much more!
Once you have a PBN in your corner, you can use it in multiple different ways to turn Google into your own personal ATM Machine. Getting as much traffic as you’d like from Google is just ONE step away.
If You’d Like To Get More Targeted, Buyer Traffic, And Skyrocket Your Profits, PBN Builder Is Your Solution!
Even if you’ve NEVER made money online, PBN Builder will allow ANYONE, regardless of experience to break down the doors to profitable niche marketing..
You’ll literally be able to get access to PBN Builder today and have your first campaign created within 10 minutes!
You can be on your way to unlimited page 1 rankings and traffic by lunchtime tomorrow.
There’s no mystery. No hidden secret that we’ve left out - just the simple and powerful automation system that we’ve built inside of PBN Builder that’s PROVEN to deliver results.
And it’s waiting to go to work for you and starting bringing you the income and traffic you deserve.
So the only question left to ask is…
Are you ready to get your hands on PBN Builder just like a kid on Christmas?
Of Course You Are!
And Right Now, During Our Grand-Opening Special, You’ll Get Access to PBN Builder at a Massive Discount…
However, the offer you see on this page right now is a limited-time offer. We WILL be taking this page down, once the offer expires.
So if you want to secure the power of automatic PBN Syndication at the lowest price possible, we highly recommend you secure your copy now.
Regular Price: $199/month
Secure Your Charter Members Discount Below
One-Time Payment
30 Day Complete Guarantee Of Satisfaction

Choose the package that’s right for you above and start generating page 1 Rankings at will!
You already know that PBN Builder is right for you, so why waste more time thinking about it?
Instead of wasting any more time thinking, why not get access PBN Builder now and use that extra time to get your first video or niche site ranked?
Plus, you’re covered by our 30-day money back guarantee, so if for any reason at all you’re not satisfied PBN Builder, shoot us an email and we’ll give you 100% of your money back within 30 days of your purchase.
You have nothing to lose and a ton of page 1 rankings to gain.
Secure Your Copy Below
But Wait, We’re Not Done Yet!
As A Charter-Member Of PBN Builder, You’ll Also Be Securing These Amazing Bonuses During Our Grand-Opening Special!
If you thought PBN Builder couldn’t get any better, we’ve got some limited-time bonuses for you for being a fast-action taker!
This will allow you to go from ZERO to profit as fast as possible with PBN Builder! However, you must act before this offer closes. Because once it does, these bonuses will NOT be available anymore.

Bonus 01
LIVE 90 Minute Training Session and QnA ($497 Value)
On this live QnA I’ll be sharing with you some advanced ranking strategies to help you even further. I’ll be going into some ninja strategies that you won’t hear anywhere else. Plus, I’ll be answering questions LIVE! Come and get all your questions and uncertainties taken care of.
Bonus 02
Zamurai Keyword Bootcamp ($37 Value)
This is the PERFECT fit for PBN Builder. In this bootcamp training you’re gonna learn Josh’s 7 favorite types of keywords that have made him thousands of dollars in commissions. These are proven keywords that rank FAST and convert extremely well. You’ll be able to use this perfectly with our PBN Builder to rank FAST!

Bonus 03
Over-the-shoulder Gold Digging Video ($97 Value)
In this video I walk you through how to find the perfect keywords for high conversions. You also see me uncover keywords live. You’ll see what my entire keyword research process works. You’ll gain an amazing confidence in finding great keywords after watching this over-the-shoulder video.
Secure Your Limited Time Offer And Bonuses Below!
Regular Price: $199/month
Secure Your Charter Members Discount Below
One-Time Payment
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Do I need to have a ‘BIG’ PBN to make this work?
Not at all. That’s actually one of the biggest myths about PBN’s. In fact, most seo marketers today are dominating with small “micro PBN’s” that consist of 5-10 domains. Once you start growing, then you can expand your PBN as well.
2. Do I need to have my PBN Sites on different hosts?
Not at all. Although many search engine marketers recommend this and it does help, it’s NOT 100% mandatory. In fact, we have over 80 sites on ONE host,yup EIGHTY sites on one host and haven’t run into any problems. It’s all about making sure your sites look and perform like a real site.
3. How much can I expect to pay for my PBN domains?
Although there are some VERY pricey domains out there, most of our domains we purchase for as little as $15! We cover our ENTIRE domain buying blueprint in OTO 1, which is PBN Academy.
4. Do I need to manually set up each of my PBN Sites?
No. PBN Builder has a built-in, 2-minute site set up wizard
5. Can I upgrade my account in the future?
We will be offering PBN Builder at many different levels for all different sizes of businesses. If you need a custom package, we’ll be able to accommodate you.
6. What are the Upsells?
These upsells are all optional, but will make your experience with PBN Builder A LOT better.
OTO 1 is only $27, PBN Academy showing how to find and buy cheap domains.
OTO 2 is only $47 quarterly, upgrading to our Gold package which increases your limitations to allow for more PBNs and clients.
OTO 3 is only $37 quarterly, SyndLab which will automatically boost your PBN's with Social Syndication.
7. Do I get 20-50 sites every month or one-time?
With our silver package, you get a total of 50 sites that you can add to your account. If you'd like more, you can upgrade to our Gold Package.
8. Do I need to add my own sites to PBN Builder?
Yes, we are not selling access to a public PBN. We're selling an app that simplifies you being able to build, manage and syndicate to your own PBN's. This way you're in full control, it's much more effective and more powerful.
9. Do you provide the Content for my sites?
No, we do not provide content. However, PBN Builder supports spintax, so one piece of content goes a long way.
10. Is the price one-time fee or Monthly?
The current special on this page is a one-time payment. We will be charging monthly after this initial special.
11. How many PBN sites do I need to start?
You can start with as little as 5-10 sites. In fact, most seo marketers are dominating with these "micro PBNs"
12. Do I need to buy, REALLY expensive domains?
Not at all. Inside our PBN Academy, which is OTO 1, we cover EXACTLY how to find the right domains for as little at $15!
13. Does Authority and age matter or can I use regular sites?
Authority and age definitely matter when it comes to building your PBNs.Inside our PBN Academy, which is OTO 1, we cover EXACTLY how to find the right domains for as little at $15!
14. Do the PBNs have to be on topic with the target website. If I have a bookkeeping site, do we have to have 15 blogs about accounting, metrics, auditing etc., or?